Plastične smese

Imamo potrebno „znanje” da oplemenimo reciklirane materijale raznim dodatcima kako bi dobili proizvode sa poboljšanim mehaničkim osobinama, otporne na sunčeve zrake, na plamen, na snažne udarce, itd. Imamo sposobnost da napravimo smese po narudžbini, zasnovane na polimerima (PP, PS, HDPE, LDPE, ABS itd), prema zahtevima kupca, sa različitim dodatcima i punilima kao što su: Mineralna punila, fiberglas (staklena vlakna), vatrootporna, UV stabilizatori.
Рециклирана једињења

Our product range is designed to provide both standard and customized products, based on basic polymers and can be mixed with talc powder, chalk, glass fibers, elastomers and other materials depending on the final application of the product.

Virgin compounds

Our product range is designed to provide both standard and customized products, based on basic polymers and can be mixed with talc powder, chalk, glass fibers, elastomers and other materials depending on the final application of the product.